Creating your own custom image for Raspberry Pi

I wanted to create image builder for cross-compile environment, so say hello to it:

It’s based on blog post and code by Klaus Maria Pfeiffer.

The code works perfectly on Debian (tested with CrunchBangLinux) and Ubuntu.


  • git clone :)

  • Check content and install packages or execute ./ script;

  • execute ./raspbian/, and soon you’ll get your IMG fine in the /tmp/rpi folder.

Main issue right now is cross-compilation environment. Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to automate process, so in a middle of cross-compilation, user have do it manually:

echo "execute all necessary commands, then type exit"
echo "asterisk install files located at /usr/src/asterisk"


Github repository updated, now installation script mount delivery folder to target RPI image and execute script located in mounted folder. Now you could create your own build script or just type in bash in order to access command-line prompt during RPI image creation.

Below is image with Ruby 2.0 and Asterisk PBX:

Download link, containing latest TinyPBX image:

Flashing instructions are standard for RPI (This site describing flashing procedure pretty well)

  • gunzip .gz file
  • insert SD card
  • flash with Linux DD command…