Raspberry Pi: how to create your own image

Currently I do developing my own Roaming VoIP PBX as a Raspberry Pi image, and have to rebuild project packages often. It is not best idea to compile packages right on Raspberry Pi. That would take hours. I was searching for a tool that can create image base — on my laptop or VPS.

Here is good starting point: http://blog.kmp.or.at/2012/05/build-your-own-raspberry-pi-image/, there is an shell script that will build image (right-click and select ‘download as’).

Some links about cross compilation and QEMU (QEMU for emulation and compilation on “Raspberry Pi” environment):

Update (May 2013)

While ago I’ve created a repository with a helpers: https://github.com/andrius/build-raspbian-image/, check it out!